
torsdag 2 februari 2012

Tell (summary)

Tell (summary)
This story is about a boy called David. David was sitting and watching TV when someone rang on their doorbell at 2 o’clock in the night. He went downstairs to see what was happening. The police told David that something had happened to his stepfather. Then they told him that his stepfather was ded. The funeral was some days after the death of Davids stepfather. Davids stepfathers name was Phil. Davids mother was very sad after Phils death and she cried often, but David wasn’t so sad because he didn’t like Phil so much. Phil liked to play poker with his friends. One of Phils friends was Jack. Jack was a close friend with Davids mother and thats how Jack got to know Phil. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. A good summary!

    ---David's stepfather's name----

  2. Jag jobbade mot målet att koncentrera mig på lektionen. Jag blev nöjd för att monica sa att det var bra. Jag vill jobba vidare med att koncentrera mig när jag gör uppgifter.
